Brian Praying For The Children Of Guyana |
Our New Mission Partners, Left To Right Mike Jr., Marina, Evadney, Pastor Mike Sammy |
Meal Distribution in Guyana |
***Guyana South America*** Mission Blogs
Shandai Jenkins 2009 Guyana Experience Click here>>
Brian Jenkins 2007 Guyana Experience Click here>>
Shandai Jenkins 2007 Guyana Experience Click here>>
Brian Jenkins 2006 Guyana Experience Click here>>
For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. Hebrews 3:4 |
"Marina's Hope" Food Distribution This program was established in October 2006 by Chosen 300 Ministries and is now distributing over 2500 lbs of food each month to needy families in the Timehri District of Georgetown, Guyana in South America. These distributions include Rice, Flour, Dry Milk and Peas. During Brian Jenkins initial visit to Guyana South America; Michael Sammy who is the Pastor of the Elim Timehri Church would make stops along the 30-mile stretch of Timehri Rd as his 16-year-old daughter Marina would pass out small boxes of dry milk to families who met them along the main Rd. Since this visit, Chosen 300 has developed a partnership with the Elim Timehri Christian Fellowship distributing over 2500 lbs of food to families each month. In Guyana South America 75% of the population lives below the poverty level making less than $1800 of US Dollars each year. Lack of Jobs and resources often leave families suffering without adequate food, shelter, clothing and health care.
In June 2007, Brian and Shandai Jenkins had the opportunity to revisited Guyana to see the progress of the program's development status. It was good to discover the food distribution was going better than expect as it has also created an evangelistic avenue for the congregation to reach the community for Jesus. Since the food distribution program began in October, the congregation has tripled in attendance.
Brian purchasing swim trunks from Guyanese salesman |
Children program in Guyana |
Brian Shovels the heavy dirt made of sand and clay |
Brian helping to transport food to be sorted and distributed out to needy families |
Elim Church worship team singing praises to God |
The youth minister in dance during Sunday service at Elim Church |
Children in line picking up food at the Church |
Mother's pick up food for their families |
Food being distributed in large bags to families at Elim Church |